Need Additional Assistance not listed here?
Call 211
(the non-emergency information hotline)
Service Area: Eastern Creek Co.
Sapulpa, Kellyville, Kiefer (Mounds / Tulsa residents living in Creek Co.)
Shopper's Choice Food Pantry - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Call 918-224-6464 to schedule an appointment. Free to area residents, every 30 days, by appointment. Phone lines open at 9:00 a.m. Must call the "day of" - we do not pre-set appointments.
Drive-thru Groceries - Discontinuing. Last Day 10-31-24
Community Garden - Open Daily to Volunteers & Visitors: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Book and Snack Mobile- June and July: Free to children
Photo ID & Proof of Residents are required for the Shopper's Choice Pantry and Drive-thru Groceries.
• Picture/copy of government issued photo ID.
Examples: Driver’s License, State issued ID, Passport, CDIB card, Veteran’s ID, etc.
• Name on the ID must match the name on the utility bill and/or lease agreement, or be the same as an occupant on the lease. If the name on the online application is different than the name on the bills, submit a copy of both IDs.
• You must be at least 18 years old to apply for assistance.