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Backpack Program Supporting High School Students

Posted on 04/22/2019 - THANK YOU!

That’s the shout from Sapulpa Public Schools Homeless Coordinator Stacey Berry as she reflects back on a huge year of giving to the district’s food pantry.

Caring Community Friends Backpack Program has purchased and distributed more than 19,000 items to the pantry and 156,000 individual snacks across the school district.

"We are delighted to partner directly with Sapulpa Public Schools to reach students who are considered to be at the highest risk for food-insecurity over the weekends," said CCF Executive Director, Dr. Camille Teale.

It’s not only food that’s been donated. Berry’s also divvied up gloves, socks, hats, plastic bags, and hygiene items.

The pantry has given away 19,270 food items in 1,927 bags this year. They double the bags for the food, so 3,854 bags were used. That’s a lot of recycled, donated bags.

Food pantry

With four weeks left in the school year, Berry said she has an eight-week supply. That’s 3,760 food items ready to head home with students in need. Each of those students will take home two bags for the rest of the year.

Due to the National Honor Society hygiene drive, each student will also receive a toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, deodorant, and body wash/shampoo.

Food pantry

Berry said it is groups such as Builders Club, NJHS, Junior High Student Council, Junior High Leadership, NHS, High School Leadership, and High School Student Council who have held helped separate food, fill bags, double up bags, break down boxes, and hold drives.

“I can not thank you enough for your help! I think this is the best program,” said Berry. “Watching kids help kids is so amazing! Sapulpa, we are making a difference!”

Food pantry

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