CCF Awarded 2020 Community Health Champion Award!
Local Charity Honored by State Organization for Innovation in Local Health Improvement
2020 Community Health Champion Award
The Oklahoma Turning Point Council (OTPC) Executive Committee informed Caring Community Friends that it has been selected as a recipient of a state 2020 Turning Point Community Health Champion for its Book and Snack Mobile initiative. OTPC serves as an independent statewide consortium focused on policy issues aimed at improving Oklahoma’s health.
The Book and Snack Mobile is a collective impact project dedicated to bringing much needed resources to children throughout the community. The bus distributes free books and nutritious food during the months of June and July, to help bridge the summer reading gap and feeding gap.“Great things can be accomplished through cooperative initiative and innovation,” said Dr. Camille Teale, Executive Director of CCF, “We, as a community partner, are so honored to be recognized by this prestigious organization.”

The Turning Point Community Health Champion Award recognizes the service and dedication of organizations and partnerships that contribute to health improvement and quality of life in their respective communities through strategic partnerships and coalition efforts.
OTPC hopes that presenting this award locally will facilitate the opportunity for colleagues, partners, families and others to be acknowledged and join in the celebration. The award was presented at the Oklahoma Turning Point 2020 State Conference.
OTPC would like to thank Caring Community Friends for its dedication to improving the health, safety and well-being of its community!
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