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Fresh Market Rescues Excess Food

Up to 40% (70 billion tons) of food grown, processed, and transported in the U.S. will never be consumed. More food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in municipal solid waste. Caring Community Friends understands the importance of capturing excess food and providing it to people in need. CCF works with retailers, including Walmart Supercenter and Walmart Neighborhood Market, to rescue good, safe, excess food that would otherwise go to waste and distribute it to food-insecure families in Sapulpa and surrounding communities. Nutrient rich fresh fruits and fresh vegetables offer a wide-range of health benefits. These perishable, non-shelf stable foods are at the highest risk of becoming waste. In an attempt to distribute larger quantities of fresh produce to more people, “Fresh Market ” was created. Caring Community Friends opens its doors to the community, offering charitable giving of fresh produce, every Thursday from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. No appointment or referral is necessary. Over 100 individuals benefit each week from this program, and the number continues to grow. Fresh Market Thursday helps to ensure that nutrient rich fruits and vegetables are available every week to food-insecure families. We are proud to be helping reduce waste while also getting more nutrient rich food to more people.

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